9 Tips To Pass The time When Traveling

  This is a collaborative post   Whether you're soaring through the skies, embarking on a cross-country road trip, or simply a passenger...


This is a collaborative post  

Whether you're soaring through the skies, embarking on a cross-country road trip, or simply a passenger on a car journey, there's always going to be downtime. But with these versatile tips, ranging from leisurely activities to productive tasks, you can take control of your travel experience and make the most of your journey, feeling empowered and in charge of your time.

So, what do you do when you have a lengthy journey and a lot of time to kill? Keep reading for a few suggestions!


When possible, sleeping is a great way to pass the time and arrive at your destination refreshed and ready to go. Whether you're at an airport, on the plane, or as a passenger in any other type of transport, a good rest can make a world of difference. Consider planning to travel overnight or later in the day when your body is naturally tired, and bring along aids like a white noise app or a good book to help you unwind and get some sleep. It's not just about passing the time, it's about arriving at your destination feeling your best.

Play games

Playing games during your trip is a great way to keep everyone entertained, both adults and kids, and pass the time in a more enjoyable way, making the journey more engaging and fun.

There are so many games you can play, from standard travel board games to card games or online games like solitaire, Sudoku, Chess, and more. You can even play your favorite video games en route too to help you pass the time. But the fun doesn't stop there. You can make games to play in your surroundings, play I-Spy with the kids, spot different vehicles on the road, or see who can find a certain object first. Basic, simple, sure, but they can be so much fun and a great way to pass the time.

Read a book

Reading is an excellent way to pass the time while you're on the move. After all, you don't have much time to do anything else, especially if you're not traveling with kids or other people. This downtime can be the perfect opportunity to finally start reading that book you have wanted to read for a while now, allowing you to relax and escape into a different world.

Plus, it doesn't matter how you read, be it a physical book, an ebook, or an audiobook. Settle down, turn the page, and let yourself get lost for a few hours to make the most of the journey and the free time. This is certainly my favorite travel activity!

Watch movies

Why not download a film or two to watch while you're making your way to your final destination? Movies can provide a great way to relax, unwind, and lose track of time, making the journey more comfortable and enjoyable.

Top tip: If you don't think you can connect to wifi when you travel, then try downloading before you leave home, but make sure you have the storage on your device first. Also, ensure you have your devices charged and have battery packs to keep you going so you don't get halfway through one movie and cannot carry on due to a dead battery. The last time I travelled, I figured out how long my flight would be and downloaded enough episodes of True Blood to pass the flight. Once I was at my destination, I deleted the ones I watched and then downloaded more episodes for the flight home using the hotel wifi. 

Podcasts and music

If you prefer to listen to podcasts or music rather than watch or read, listening to music can provide the same escapism while still allowing you to look around and take things in.

There are so many songs, albums, and podcasts you can enjoy it's highly likely you won't find something you want to listen to, so why not explore genres you’vs never been interested in before or have been wanting to listen to but never gotten around to? For instance, if you're into true crime, there are plenty of gripping podcasts to keep you entertained. Or, if you're a history fan, numerous educational podcasts can make the time fly by. Plug in, switch off, and let your ears take over the journey.

Engage with others

It's not possible for some types of journeys or travel options; however, if your method of traveling allows for connecting with others, talking to people can be a great way to pass the time if you're sociable and can find others who are, too. Of course, you need to be careful when you're connecting with strangers, and keeping personal information personal can be a good idea. Always be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts. Starting a general conversation about where you're going, the weather, sports, or hot topics can alleviate boredom and get you some much-needed company for the trip.

People watch 

For example, if you're waiting at an airport or train station, people-watching is a common way to pass the time and maybe even learn something new. Take a seat, sit back, and watch the world go on around you.

You never know, you might see families reuniting, lovers quarreling, kids learning something new, the joy and wonder of love and relationships between spouses, siblings, or friendships being made between strangers. People are weird and wonderful creatures sometimes, and people watching can be a great way to pass the time and take in the world around you.


If you are a fan of preserving memories and writing things down, then journaling during your trip can be a great way to absorb what is going on and ensure that you remember your journey as it happens in real-time. Journaling can come in the form of taking pictures and writing down information you feel is essential or that you want to remember. Or you can make a digital journal and build a diary online or even blog about what you're doing. You can also record your thoughts and capture images to share on social media, which can also be a form of journaling. The format is up to you!

Craft something

If you've got a long stretch ahead of you of doing nothing while being transported, then taking a little hobby with you (as allowed) can be perfect for long, boring periods. Whether you enjoy knitting, photography, drawing, crocheting, or writing comics, it can be anything that requires you to craft and create, and getting stuck in can offer you an activity that takes you away from what's going on and reduces boredom to no end. 

As you can see, there are multiple ways to pass the time when traveling to your destination and make it as fun as possible. Whether picking up a good book is your thing, tuning out the world and listening to a podcast or three, journaling, sleeping, or playing games, find what works for you and indulge in what you enjoy to make your travel downtime go faster and alleviate the boredom that can come with long journeys or wartime between connections.

What are your go-to travel activities?

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