A Week in Photos: 27&28/52 - A Paper Arrow

A Week in Photos: 27&28/52

Hi, guys! So last week, I took a stay-cation, and to be honest, it kind of sucked. I woke up Tuesday morning to a major storm and our intern...

Hi, guys! So last week, I took a stay-cation, and to be honest, it kind of sucked. I woke up Tuesday morning to a major storm and our internet was out, so I was stuck at home with no internet. We only have streaming services, so I couldn't even watch tv. I read something like four books, and slept a lot. The internet guy finally came out midday on sunny Friday, so once our internet was restored, I just wanted to get out of the house. So I went to the beach and read another book. Anyways, long story short, sorry for the lack of posts lately. The two that did post last week were pre-scheduled, and I've been so busy this week getting back into the swing of work after a week off had me too busy to post. So here's, yet again, two weeks worth of photos.

June 30: I spent the evening finishing up Me Before You, since my bestie and I had plans to go see the movie the next day.
July 1: Girls night was a success. We had to drive an hour out to go see the movie, because it wasn't at any closer theatres. We had Mexican food and enjoyed the movie. It wasn't terrible, but I wouldn't say it was worth the $11 either. My friend hadn't read the book, and the movie had some kind of confusing scenes. Again, the book triumphed over the movie.

July 2: The obsession's started, y'all. My three year old nephew loves Starbucks (lemonade, though. Not coffee.)

July 3: I LOVE COFFEE! Alright, guys. How cute is this shirt from Target?

July 4: We went to a cookout at my parent's for fourth of July. We also celebrated Andre, and my niece Sarah. (They share a birthday, July 1!)

July 5: A yummy, yummy summer treat for day 1 of the staycation.

July 6: Day two of staycation and I spent it reading a book. (Review should be up next week).

July 7: MY PHONE CASE CAME IN. I got it from Redbubble. Any other Ron Weasley fans in the house?

July 8: (Excuse the blur, my phone's in a baggy so it wouldn't get sand in it.) I spent the day on the beach reading, after the internet guy fixed our internet. Yay!

July 9: Courage derping out, loving those rubs.

July 10: These were on sale at Kroger for $1 so I tried one out. It was pretty good, but I just wish there was more in it.

July 11: I spent a couple hours watching season 4 of Game of Thrones (we got HBO Now, so I can binge!) and working on our wedding/first year of marriage scrapbook.

July 12: Fruits and veggies for lunch. I was surprising pretty full, but I did eat about a million baby carrots.

July 13: I've been working on finishing up the last book in the Peculiar Children series. There's a lot of action in this one.

So, how have your last couple of weeks been?

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  1. I enjoyed the movie and book version of Me Before You, but the book was better as always. Paper Towns (both the book and movie) really annoyed me. I am looking forward to your review. That flipflop crisp drink looks delicious!

    1. Yeah. I'm right there on the same page with your about Paper Towns. And I enjoyed Me Before You. I would definitely watch it again.
