Our Wedding Portraits - A Paper Arrow

Our Wedding Portraits

Today, I wanted to share some of the wedding portraits we took during the wedding day. Truly, we didn't get around to taking all the ph...

Today, I wanted to share some of the wedding portraits we took during the wedding day. Truly, we didn't get around to taking all the photos that I had hoped for, but the day really just flew by so quickly. Here are some of my favorites.
My sister/matron of honor with two of her kids, Sarah & Mikey.

Andre and me with our officiant, my cousin Charles.

Me and the girls (left to right) niece Sarah, sister Amanda, me (duh!), sister Ashley, and best friend Julie

Andre and the guys (left to right) cousin Christopher, brother Matthew, Andre, and best friend Steven

Andre and his brother Matthew.

Andre and me with my parents.

Andre and me with his mom.

Andre and me with our full wedding party and parents, plus my nephew Mikey.
Andre and me with his mom and brother, aunties and uncle, and cousins.

One of my favorites!

In Case You Missed It:
Photos from Our Wedding Reception

Linked up with Macy at To Travel & Beyond for Wedding Wednesday.

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