The Reverse Bucket List - A Paper Arrow

The Reverse Bucket List

I came across a post this morning on In Its Time and I really enjoyed the concept of the "Reverse Bucket List." Basically, this i...

I came across a post this morning on In Its Time and I really enjoyed the concept of the "Reverse Bucket List." Basically, this is a post reflecting all the things you have done in life, as opposed to the things you'd like to do. It's an optimistic approach and I absolutely love it.

I haven't done much in the world of travel, but I've accomplished a lot and I've done so much already that I want to do. It feels really amazing to give yourself credit for what you've done. You should try it. Share your reverse bucket list with me!



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  1. I live in GA, too, so I appreciate the GA references : )

    1. I see that you also work in a USG institution. So do I! Very neat.

  2. I love how it says, "I got a tattoo, and then some." Isn't that how it always goes? ;) I only have 3 and would have gotten more if I hadn't gotten pregnant. I really want to get some sort of chest piece and maybe possibly a half sleeve?? I don't know. I'm sure I'll have time to figure it out. :)

    1. Oh yeah, and you definitely want to take your time since you can't really go back on them! While I was a teenager and had no bills, it was basically a new tattoo every month! Lol.

  3. This is a great list! I really love the concept of celebrating what you've already done.

    1. Yes! I agree. I always try to keep things positive by celebrating all the small victories!

  4. What a great list! I have loved reading everyone's lists and seeing just a great snippet in each and every blogger's lives. So cool that you've bungee jumped, enjoyed the mountains (sounds like me!), and started your dream job, too. Getting your dream job is such a cool feeling!

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. I was 15 when I bungee jumped. I'd probably be too scared to do it again in my old age. Haha! And the mountains are my favorite, I've been several times.

      Thanks for the link-up. I really enjoyed this topic!

  5. I think this is an awesome list--you bungee jumped?! I would be way too scared to try that!! I think one of the best here is that you started your dream job, now THAT is something I would love to say I've done. What a great list!!
    Shea Lennon

    1. Yes! I was young and probably would be way too scared to ever do it again, but when I did it then, it wasn't scary.

      And yes, I just started in November and I am the happiest! Thank you for reading.

  6. oh my goodness! You went bungee jumping! Was it exciting and scary all at the same time!? How cool that you have visited the highest point in the Smokies! What movie did you go see by yourself? And what a fun 5k to do!! I ran the color me rad 5k last year and it was a blast!!

    1. I mostly remember it just being very exciting! Oddly, I was not scared!
      I went and saw I Love You, Man when it came out and it was just the funniest the funniest movie!
      Thanks so much for reading.

  7. you've done a lot, I would love to go bungee jumping!

    Diana L. My Reverse Bucket List.

    1. I recommend it! It was a lot of fun (even if I would be way too scared to do it again!).

  8. You have accomplished so much!! YAY for getting engaged, and getting a car!! So fun that you included becoming an aunt 3 times!

    1. Thank you! So much of this was done just in the past few years, so I feel like I've accomplished a lot. And I should probably update this sooner or later (because now I can say I've got married!).
