2018 Holiday Book and Gift Box Swap

I love the holidays! October through December are such a wonderful time of the year (some say the most wonderful). I wanted to celebr...

I love the holidays! October through December are such a wonderful time of the year (some say the most wonderful). I wanted to celebrate the season by hosting a book and gift box swap. It doesn't matter what holidays you do or don't celebrate, this is gift swap filled with love. I have included a response box where you can place in which holidays you celebrate, so appropriate celebratory items can be included in your box, or you can fill out N/A if you celebrate no holidays. Either way, this swap is open to all!

Here are the rules:

1. Sign up on the form below, or click here to find the form, and complete by Sunday, November 25.

2. You will receive your assigned giftee via the provided email by Friday, November 30.

3. Send at least one new or gently used book to your assigned giftee plus additional gifts or goodies, but you should stay around the $20 range. If you spend more than $20, just don't expect to receive the same amount in return. Make sure to send your package no later than Monday, December 10.

4. When you receive your book, feel free to post on social media with the hashtag #apabookswap and tag me (@kaylakedavra) and your gifter! (optional)

If you fail to send a book and gift to your buddy, you will be banned from future gift swaps!

Gift boxes should total $20 prior to shipping and should include at least one book and any other goodies you'd like to send your friend. Be detailed when filling out the form so you can get the perfect gifts from your buddy.

The Halloween swap went really well and I'm excited to host this winter swap, as well. Let me know what you're hoping to get in your gift box swap this winter!

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  1. Yay! So excited. I love this pic of us. So fun.

  2. I am excited to do this, thank you for hosting.
    Nicole (AlwaysReiding.com)
