books & reading
Books I Read: April
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Honestly, I didn't think I'd get through many books in April. I had all four of my wisdom teeth cut out early in the month, and one was actually located in my sinus. I was out of work for an entire week, but I was mostly sleeping the entire time. Then even once I was back at work, I would just go to sleep when I got home. I never realized surgery, however minor, was so exhausting. Anyways, I didn't think I'd be able to read much, but I did get through my pretty standard six books I've been meeting each month so far this year.
Check out my April reads and the prompts they satisfied below.
*The Fall of Grace by Amy Fellner Dominy ★★★☆☆
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: A book about or involving a sport.
Brief synopsis: Grace has it all - the perfect prom date, a long-time best friend, a prime spot on her high school's golf team, is in the running to win a pretty awesome photo contest, and a wealthy lifestyle with her mother. Until her mother is convicted of running a Ponzi scheme, and Grace takes the fall with her. The novel moves back and forth between the before and after her mom's conviction, and Grace has to figure out if she ever really knew her mom at all.
See full review here.
I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer by Michelle McNamara ★★★★☆
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: True crime.
Brief synopsis: During the 70s and 80s, over 50 rapes were committed by the East Area Rapist (EAR) and over 10 murders were committed by the Original Night Stalker (ONS). DNA testing decades after the committed crimes led analyst to determine both the EAR and the ONS are the same guy. Michelle McNamara spent years of her life researching and investigating these crimes and dubbed the EAR-ONS with the moniker the Golden State Killer (GSK). This book is a collection of her research alongside retired detectives, investigators, and more.
See full review here.
*The Frontman by Ron Bahar ★★★☆☆
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: N/A
Brief synopsis: Ron is a 17-year old Jewish-Israeli growing up in Nebraska during the 1980s. Split between following his family's beliefs and his own dreams (doctor or musician?) during the last few months of high school through the first few years of college, this is Ron's coming-of-age story with a Spotify soundtrack included.
See full review here.
*Playing with Dynamite: A Memoir by Sharon Harrigan ★★☆☆☆
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: A book with an ugly cover.
Brief synopsis: Sharon's father died when she was young. Growing up, she barely remembered her father, and came to realize her own memories differed from those of others in her family. As an adult, Sharon's search for her father led her to better understand herself.
See full review here.
*Undead Girl Gang by Lily Anderson ★★★★☆
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you.
Brief synopsis: Camila Flores is a fat Wiccan girl who is completely unashamed by who she is. When her best friend and two mean girls from her high school end up unexpectedly dead, with claims from police of a suicide pact, Mila accidentally brings all three back to life using dark magic in an attempt to figure out how they really died. Did all three girls take their own lives, or is something more sinister happening in Fairmont?
See full review here.
POPSUGAR Reading Challenge Prompt: A novel based on a real person.
Brief synopsis: Mary's tired of the subpar life she's been living. So, when the opportunity arises for her to snag $40,000 (over $300,000 today), she takes it and hits the road. When she stops one night in a motel, she meets Norman Bates, a 40-year old man who has lived with his mother his entire life. They own a motel near their home, which hasn't gotten much business recently because of the new highway that was put in. It's a small town and everybody knows Norman's mother has been dead for 20 years. Norman knows better. And mother knows best.
See full review here.
What were your favorite reads of April?