Balance. What a solid, intentional word. I think ultimately, balance is something we all crave. The right amount of challenge. The right amount of freedom and autonomy. The right amount of absolutely nothing.

In this day and age, we are all familiar with the old work/life balance thing. But I think the ultimate balance to strive for is the balance within yourself. I've been working on that this year with a 30-Day Yoga Journey (I've been following along with Yoga with Adrienne, and it's been wonderful). Along with the physical benefits I'm starting to see with yoga, I'm feeling the emotional benefits as well. It's definitely been a journey in developing self-love.

But how do we really find balance in these lifestyles that are so go, go, go? Realistically, it's going to be different for every single person.
I work a full-time professional position. I also go to graduate school. Not to mention finding time to spend with my husband, time to read, time to sleep - and oh, this old blog? Balance is a circus act for me, and I'm obviously not perfect, but I'm working on figuring out what works for me. And I think that's all we can do. We can only try our bests.

So, how are you finding balance in 2018?
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I'm co-hosting today with Brita from Belle Brita and Tayler from The Morrell Tale. Learn more about my co-hosts below.
Brita Long is the pink and sparkly personality behind the Christian feminist lifestyle blog, Belle Brita. While her first love will always be Paris, she lives happily with her husband Daniel Fleck in the Atlanta area.
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Morrell is a WAHM who loves to talk. She is obsessed with reading,
writing, history, Wales. She is a Utahn transplant in Texas. The Morrell Tale aspires to show the real day to day of being a mommy blogger.
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One lucky winner will receive a fabulous LuLaRoe outfit in the size(s) of their choice from Callie Richards, LuLaRoe Fashion Retailer. The giveaway starts February 8th and ends on February 14th. US residents only. While Callie will consider your style preferences, she cannot guarantee any patterns or colors in your outfit.
Brita Long of Belle Brita will verify the winning entry before emailing the winner during the third week of February. If the winner doesn’t respond, she will start the process over again. Good luck! Enter here.