Christmas Music Everyone Can Enjoy (Including a Spotify Playlist)

Aah, Christmas music! I love it. Even when I worked in retail, I loved it. (I prefer to start listening after Thanksgiving, though....

Aah, Christmas music! I love it. Even when I worked in retail, I loved it. (I prefer to start listening after Thanksgiving, though. Not directly following Halloween.) Granted, I worked at Claire's for several years, so we got a lot of fun, poppy Christmas songs (several of which you can find in the playlist below), but of course a few truly agitating songs thrown in, as well. 
I pride myself in the fact that I can enjoy a wide variety of music, so my Christmas playlist consists of a lot of a variety. You'll find a ton of pop punk, super poppy, and a little classic on my CHRISTMAS! Spotify playlist. I recommend listening to "Little Wayne Tree" (yes, you read that correctly) by Alex Aiono. It's so weird at first, so you have to listen to it at least once! 12 Days of Pop-Punk Christmas is also a fun take the traditional song. Any of the NSync or Justin Bieber songs are also treasures. 
So, check out the playlist below for seven and a half hours of Christmas songs!

What Christmas songs are your favorites?

I'm linking up with Kendra over at Be a Lighthouse and Lauren at Lot 48 for the Twelve Days of Blogging.

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