Book Review: Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

If you know a thing or two about me, you know I love Mindy Kaling. I think she is hilarious and I'm 99% sure that if we met, we...

#bookreview #whynotme #mindykaling

If you know a thing or two about me, you know I love Mindy Kaling. I think she is hilarious and I'm 99% sure that if we met, we'd be immediate best friends. I really enjoyed her first book, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, which focused a lot on her college years and actually how she came to find fame through The Office, then her own show The Mindy Project.
I feel like somewhere between Mindy's first book and Why Not Me? (her second one), she scored a major confidence boost somewhere, and I love it! Before reading the book, I saw the title as "Why not meeee...?", but after reading it, I see it as "Why not me?"- and I GOT THIS kind of attitude. Mindy is motivating and inspirational, and so funny. There are definitely parts throughout this book that had me laughing out loud, and I was able to read this book in just over a day. It's super light and fun, and I loved it! I awesome found myself incredibly jealous of her (multiple) times she got to hang out with the president.
This book confirmed why I love Mindy, and made me want to spam-tweet her until she replies to me, so we can hang out and become biffles. (Anyone else have these crazy needs to be best friends with cool celebrities?)
So, read this if you need a fun book that will make you smile just a little bit more!

For more about Mindy Kaling and her books, click here.

I received this book free for review from Blogging for Books. As always, all opinions are mine and mine alone.

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  1. I loved this book, and her first one too. I totally agree -- she's so inspirational and kick ass. I remember feeling great after finishing this!

    1. Yes! She is wonderful. And I felt the same way when I finished! What are your thoughts on Amy Schumer? Her book is worth the read, too!

  2. I was totally jealous of her college adventures and stuff during her first book. I liked her first one, but wasn't crazy about it. I may still read Why Not Me one day, though.

    1. I think if you liked it enough to finish it, I would recommend the second one. Either way, I don't think you'll regret reading it.
