A Week in Photos: 40/52 - A Paper Arrow

A Week in Photos: 40/52

I'm always so surprised at how quickly time goes by. We're 40 weeks into the year already. It's FALL! Before we know it, Christm...

I'm always so surprised at how quickly time goes by. We're 40 weeks into the year already. It's FALL! Before we know it, Christmas will be here and we'll be starting a new year. Crazy!

Thursday, 9/29: We have a half-day professional development series at work, and the keynote speaker was Aimee Copeland. I was so excited to see her speak, because I remembered when she had her accident and knew she would be a great speaker. Wow, was that an understatement! She is so optimistic and motivational! If you're unfamiliar with her story, check it out here.

Friday, 9/30: The weather was perfect on this day! I spent a little bit of time on our back deck, but I'm still lusting over some patio furniture. I can't wait to spend more time out here this fall.
Saturday, 10/1: I didn't get around to taking any pictures, because I was exhausted, but every year during the first weekend in October, my mom and I have a tradition of going to a city-wide yard sale near home. So we woke up super early and did that. It was a really great day, I just have no pictures to commemorate it.

Sunday, 10/2: Unfortunately, I spent six hours working on a group project for class. The good news is, that gave me the chance to stop by Target where I bought lots of pumpkins! (Halloween was BOGO 50% off, plus there was a 25% off coupon on Cartwheel!)

Monday, 10/3: I spotted this cute little baby on the way to class.

Tuesday, 10/4: Chickfila was giving out free chicken biscuits, so of course of stopped by. THEN they gave me this re-usable coupon for the next 3 months. Yippee! I love CFA so much.

Wednesday, 10/5: Did my duty as a human being and gave some blood away. The tee was a surprise!

Well, guys. How was your week?

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