A Week in Photos: 8/52

February 18: This little guy up here turned 3, so we celebrated! Ninja Turtle cake included. February 18: It was so fun to watch h...

February 18: This little guy up here turned 3, so we celebrated! Ninja Turtle cake included.
February 18: It was so fun to watch him open his gifts! He was just too cute, and really liked everything.

February 19: I made some yum-yum for dinner. I'm aware that looks like a loaded baked potato with a side of potatoes, but it it actually one of my favorite, easiest chicken meals - Monterrey chicken. It's grilled on the George Foreman, then topped with bbq sauce, shredded cheese and bacon, and baked on 425 for 10 minutes. Mmmm. 

February 20: We went to Chipotle and took advantage of our free entrees. It's been almost a week and neither of us have E.coli, so I think we're okay! 
February 20: We also stopped by 2nd & Charles (basically a media thrift store for books, movie, games, etc.) and I found My Friend Leonard for $6. I finished it in 4 days. I'll have the review up soon. (Spoiler, I LOVED IT!)

February 21: I splurged on myself a little bit. I never really buy alcohol for myself and if I do, it's like a $7 bottle of wine, but I got this awesome cider variety pack from Kroger, and have had fun tasting the four different ciders included.

February 22: Got back into my workweek hustle, and it's been storming all. week. long. This was my view as I left the gym on Monday night - an empty and wet campus.

February 23: Still storming, and I got completely soaked just walking from the car to the house. 

February 24: I spent some time with my sister and niece and went and watching a showing of an indie film at our local cultural arts center. The film? Funny Bunny. My thoughts? I'm still not sure. It was funny in parts, but overall a pretty sad movie. It was definitely one of those films where you think "Yup. That's definitely indie."
Hope your week was great, and guys, it's almost March. When did that happen?

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