A Week in Photos: 5/52

This has really been a great year so far. I feel like I'm really enjoying and appreciating life and I'm really enjoying reading mo...

This has really been a great year so far. I feel like I'm really enjoying and appreciating life and I'm really enjoying reading more. Happy February!

January 28- Andre was at a friend's house, so I went to my parents for dinner. It's always a good day when I get to see family, and my little Mosef. 

January 29- Used a BOGO coupon, and a co-worker/friend and I hit up Moe's for lunch. Came back to office, propped myself up in the floor and read while enjoying a freaking delicious burrito bowl. Happy Friday, amirite?

January 30- Hung out with my family for a bonfire and some hot-tubbing (time machine not included).
January 30- After the hot tub, when I was extremely tired, but the picture with hubby was too cute not to share.
January 31- Had to pop up at work for a couple hours to present at Preview Day for prospective students. 

February 1- I started back to the gym again. My new plan is just to kill it on the stationary bike, because I can read while I workout. 

February 2- Lunch again. I'm really enjoying picnicing in the floor of my office during lunch, because it gets me away from my computer and I can read. (Also, I finished A Million Little Pieces, review will be up tomorrow.)

February 3- I got to pick up my new glasses from the doctor. I'm just so obsessed with them. You can't tell too great in the picture, but the middle is blue, and the sides are a tortoise shell print. Uh, they are so cute!

Lola & Lane

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  1. Love those glasses on you!

  2. Mosef is a cutie pie!

    Also, reading while working out??? I think it's a talent. I find it extremely hard to focus on anything else when I'm out of breath!

    1. Thank you. He's just one of my little fur babies.
      And I work out in obviously the laziest way possible. The bikes at the gym even have clips for books!
