Lazy and Carefree

Well, guys. I've been lazy this week. I took two vacation days this week, in addition to getting Friday off in observance of Independenc...

Well, guys. I've been lazy this week. I took two vacation days this week, in addition to getting Friday off in observance of Independence Day. I haven't posted a blog post all week, and I'm sorry for that. I here, however, to give you my weekly recap, if not share my own weekly highlights, but to remember the small things that happened this week.

First and foremost, I only worked two days this week. It's been nice to just stay at home and enjoy some relaxation with no worries.

I got my first Julep Maven box. I'll have a review up some time next week.

We shipped out our invitations today! Ugh, postage is such a terrible expense. Mailing out our invitations is definitely one of the most expensive things we've done during this entire process.

I had a froyo date with my mom and sister. Okay, so it wasn't much of a date. We went shopping and stopped for some froyo. But it was so good! I got Alaskan Moose Tracks mixed with Expresso.

We spent the night out on the town for Andre's birthday. Not such a big deal for Andre, he goes out downtown pretty regularly, but I am so socially awkward and tend the just stay at home all the time. It was his birthday, though and he doesn't ask for much so I stayed out until 2:00 AM. I barely made it, but I did get some good late night pizza.

This week has been pretty awesome and carefree, and I hope your's was just the same.


Please check out the following blogs I've linked up with this week for this weekly recap:

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  1. I just love those invitations! Gorgeous!

  2. I agree gorgeous invites! Were they rifle paper co? I am basically obsessed with everything they do.

    1. I actually made them on vistaprint. Same cute look, but wayyy less expensive.
      But I love their stuff too.
