Weekly Recap: Spring is Here - A Paper Arrow

Weekly Recap: Spring is Here

Spring has sprung here in Georgia, for sure. It's gorgeous but has been storming/raining off and on a lot. I love spring and I'm hap...

Spring has sprung here in Georgia, for sure. It's gorgeous but has been storming/raining off and on a lot. I love spring and I'm happy to get to spend more time outside lately.

I found a neat little nature trail on campus, and community garden. I went to the university for 4 years as a (very involved) student, and now work there and I never knew these little nature trails/areas existed. I can't wait to explore more this spring.

I got my tires fixed! For close to a year, I've had issues with my car. I thought I needed an alignment, but turns out I needed a wheel-bearing. I was able to get that fixed this week and my car is driving so much smoother and quietly. I'm so happy about it!

I received my second Influenster VoxBox. This one is for Carefree pantyliners, so I'll probably have a review up sometime in the next couple of weeks.

I also received the Spring Walmart Beauty Box. This one costs $5 for shipping and is shipped out once each season. The Winter box had a pretty amazing lip stain in it, so I'm excited to try out and review the products in the Spring box!

I discovered Blogging for Books. It's a site where bloggers, librarians and retailers can review books for free. It's a really neat concept and right now I'm waiting for my first book to review. I think this is a great, and I'm really excited to be able to review new books!

Please check out the following blogs I've linked up with this week for Friday:

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  1. What is the site for the book's review?

    1. It's bloggingforbooks.org. It's linked in the post and I also have a widget to the right of the page that will take you straight there. Once you receive the book(s), you write the review on your blog and link it back. I'll post more about it once I receive my first book for review!

  2. Stopping by from H54F :) Hooray for springtime, a great trail, & fun mail!! Sounds like a wonderful week!! Hope you enjoy a fabulous Easter weekend too!
    xo - Brenda // ChattingOverChocolate.com

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda! I hope your Easter weekend was great!
