wedding & marriage
My First Bridal Show Experience
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
So, this past Sunday, I went with Julie (my close friend and one of my bridesmaids) to the Bridal Extravaganza of Atlanta. Julie's getting married in January of next year and I'm her maid of honor, so we took the trip together to check out some local vendors and enter some contests. While most bridal shows cost between $15-30, we were able to go for less than $4 each because of a fabulous coupon code from the Knot.
There were tons of contests to enter, including winning a wedding dress, a trip to Paris, a trip to Cozumel, among others. We both entered all the contests, but unfortunately neither of us were able to win anything. However, we both came home with multiple reusable totes and all the magazines you could ever imagine.
I didn't find any vendors I was absolutely in love with, because as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm 100% a budget bride. I am frugal in all aspects of my life, so of course I would be with my wedding planning, too. I plan on attending several other bridal events (trying to win some stuff, of course!). I have a lot of ideas in my head, but two of my main focuses are finding a dress and a photographer that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
Of course, I'll keep y'all updated on any ideas or processes that are happening! I'm really into entering contests and trying to win as much of my wedding as possible. So, let me know of any y'all know of, and I'll do the same!