Tiny Change, Major Difference: A Quick and Inexpensive Closet Solution
Wednesday, February 12, 2014I am on a constant endeavor to make my home beautiful, organized, and personal. I do, however, live with my boyfriend and our cat, so the constant organization is somewhat out the window. I am constantly picking things up though, in order to create order in our home. Something that is usually the messiest is the closet, which is also a laundry room. There is literally a to-do/wish list written on a dry erase board above the washer and dryer. On occasion, I can find something to mark off my list at a valuable price (because I really hate spending money). Most recently I marked off "200 matching clothes hangers," and for less than $15 at Wal-Mart. I wanted some kind of conformity in the closet, and this seemed the easiest. While this was an extremely cheap and easy thing to do, it made a world of difference.