beauty & style
Figuring Out My Signature Style
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
Recently, I read a post about choosing your "signature style," which got me thinking about whether or not I had one of my own. I have been told in the past that I never look the same twice. While some people may take this as a compliment, I see it as an backhanded compliment and it's something that I really hate to hear. So, I got to looking at old photos of myself, particularly my outfit of the day posts (see: Instagram @kaylakedavra). There were a few things I noticed.
1. Generally, and probably most often, my outfits lean in favor of comfortability and effortlessness. I fully believe that a person can look put together and still be comfortable.
2. There's always some pink. Regardless of what I'm wearing, you can probably always find some pink in there somewhere, whether it's my shirt, earrings, or a headband. Pink is my favorite color, so go ahead, call me a girly girl. I'm okay with that.
3. My outfits shout fun. Working in a store that caters to young girls seems to be a good fit for me. On any given day, you can hear me mutter "I'm twelve" to someone. It's true (figuratively, of course). I love fun, loud colors, and I have more than one shirt with a cat's face plastered on the front of it. I have a big personality and I want people to be able to realize that about me just by what I'm wearing. I want to have fun with fashion.
Conclusively, my signature style seems to fall somewhere between the lines of fun girly comfort. Hopefully, that won't change too much, but let's see where tomorrow takes me.
So, what's your signature style?